Nunawading Christian College operates additional services to provide for needs beyond the education of our students and to ensure our College is accessible to all families.
Nunawading Christian College buses travel to our surrounding area, providing convenient access to our school. Click through to identify bus routes.
NCC offers before and after hours care for those parents who need more flexible hours picking up or dropping off children. The school also provides care and activities for children throughout school holidays.
NCC food services consist of a canteen selling healthy snacks Monday to Thursday, and hot lunches ordered online Tuesday to Thursday
We are pleased to offer our families two ways to purchase academic and sport uniforms. Click through to find out more.
The Home and School Committee is a group of parents who meet regularly to help provide an opportunity for parents and teachers to develop a positive relationship in their work for the children at NCC.
Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026