



Before/after hours & holiday club

Out of hours

we're here for you

NCC offers before and after hours care for those parents who need more flexible hours picking up or dropping off children. The school also provides care and activities for children throughout school holidays.

Child teacher cooking

Register for all OSHC services by completing the below online enrolment form.

During NCC’s OSHC program, students receive homework help, participate in crafts and have supervised play outside.

Breakfast and afternoon tea are included in the cost of before & after school care.

Before & after hours care times


7:00am until school starts


3:20pm – 6:00pm

2025 OSHC Fees

Fees are current as of January 2025

Note: CCS Rebate is available on all daily fees, subject to each family's eligibility

Fees are reviewed at the beginning and middle of each year, any increases will be advertised four weeks before being applied.

Xplor Direct Debit (Debit Success) Fees
Bank Account - $1.02
Mastercard/ Visa - 2.72%
Amex - 5.08%
Service (Dishonour Fee) - $19.95
Both bank account and credit cards, charged in arrears

Note: Charges come from Xplor's Debit Success payment system and not determined by NCC ELC.

Service Fees
Before School Care (Permanent) $25
Before School Care (Casual) $35
After School Care (Permanent) $30
After School Care (Casual) $35
Holiday Club $100
Holiday Club Excursion Day additional cost
Late Pick-Up Fee 6:01pm to 6:15pm $5 per minute
Late Pick-Up Fee 6:16pm until collection $10 per minute
Science lesson nunawading
Prep Student NCC

Holiday Club Booking

To book your child’s place in holiday club,

Please review the NCC OSHC Handbook for policies and procedures governing after hours care at Nunawading Christian College.

Student wellbeing

Students thrive when they feel supported and are happy in their learning environment.

Learn more

Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026