



Child Safety

Secondary students and chaplain

Committed to the safety of your child

All children and young people who come to our School have a right to feel and be safe. We are committed to the safety and well-being of all children and young people by providing child-safe and child-friendly environments both physically and online, where children and young people are safe and feel safe, and can actively participate in decisions that affect their lives.

We have zero tolerance for child abuse and other harm and are committed to acting in our students’ best interests and keeping them safe from harm.

The School regards its Child Safety responsibilities with the utmost importance. It is committed to providing the necessary resources to ensure compliance with all relevant child protection laws and regulations and maintaining a child-safe culture.

Each member of the School community has a responsibility to understand the important and specific role that they play individually, and collectively, to ensure that the well-being and safety of all students are at the forefront of all that they do, and every decision that they make.

Child Safety Advocates

Nunawading Christian College has selected Child Safety Advocates(CSA) to answer questions that you may have with respect to our Child Protection and Safety program. They receive special training that allows them to deal with child protection concerns both sensitively and effectively.

Child Safe Advocates are selected based on a number of considerations, including but not limited to:

  • their personal attitudes, experiences, and beliefs, for example, a person who is non-judgmental, calm, resilient and demonstrates a high degree of integrity and respect for confidentiality

  • their role within the College, for example, a person who has seniority and experience working with complex student and family issues at the College and someone who is readily accessible and available to all members of the College community

  • their personal profile within the College, for example, a person who is approachable, who students and staff trust and who is willing and able to respond to issues personally and sensitively.

The College’s Child Safety Advocates (CSA) for NCC include:

  • Principal (Senior Child Safety Advocate)
  • Head of Secondary
  • Head of Primary
  • ELC Centre Manager
  • Business Manager
  • Secondary Student Wellbeing Coordinator
  • Primary Student Wellbeing Coordinator

These child safety advocates can be contacted:

  • In Person

  • Calling the College (03) 9877 3555 and requesting to speak to a CSA;

The welfare and best interests of the child are paramount. Whenever there are concerns that a child is in immediate danger the Police should be called 000.

Primary Girl art
Primary Prep Students dedication

Report a Child Safe Incident/Concern

If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse, phone 000.

The Child Safe Standards require organisations providing services for children to have processes in place to respond to and report suspected child abuse. This reporting tool can be completed online by children, their families, and employees.

This tool is to be used for reporting breaches of the Child Safe Adult* Code of Conduct and/or the Professional boundaries of staff. Information collected will be assessed, and a decision made regarding whether it is Reportable Conduct and/or Professional Misconduct.

*Adults/Staff of the college community include the Principal and the Leadership Team, all staff members, including non-teaching staff and temporary or casual staff, all contractors, external education providers, teaching students on placement at the college, parents/carers and other adult family members of students and visitors.

When completing this form, you can choose to remain anonymous.

Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026