



Enrichment opportunities


Stretch & Enrichment

We recognise that the school journey is an integral part of preparing a student for life as an adult. We also understand that each student is different and therefore NCC offers a range of opportunities to STRETCH our students in order to achieve their individual potential.

Opportunities across our Campuses

We call them STRETCH and Enrichment opportunities because that is exactly what we endeavour to do for our students: stretch them outside their comfort zone, supporting them in the process and watching them take risks so that their lives are enriched by these opportunities.

We rely on using our students' voices to determine how best to enrich their school experiences. This section outlines some of the opportunities that are available to students across the whole school. These will continue to expand as our students are STRETCHED

Service Opportunities

Our school partners with the Light of Hope School in Cambodia and we offer opportunities for Secondary student-led projects and fundraisers. We also run STORMCo Camps for Secondary students to regional Victoria to support community projects.

Primary students and ELC children are given the opportunity to enjoy cross-generational connections and give back to our local community. Fortnightly meetings with residents of our neighbouring aged care facility are a highlight for both students and residents.

Year 9 students are all involved in three day volunteering placements within the community as part of the Challenge program. This experience benefits our students long past the end of the volunteering placement.

Spiritual Leadership

We believe that spirituality is an essential element for holistic health and wellbeing, and worship is spiritual expression. Students at NCC have opportunities, beginning in the ELC, to be involved in and to lead others through daily worship, weekly chapels and other special events.

Year 6 students are invited to consider the role of Student Chaplain - a leadership role where they are given organisational responsibilities and are mentored by the School Chaplains. The role in Year 12 is given the title Spiritual Captain which is a senior student leadership position.

Scholarships at NCC

All our students have different passions and ambitions for their school journey. Some are high academic achievers; other students are incredible leaders looking at how to build up the school community and still others are driven to carve a path in sport.

To better enable our students to live out their passions, we offer a range of scholarships:

  • Academic Scholarships
  • Leadership Scholarships
  • Sports Excellence Scholarships
  • Entrepreneurial Scholarships

These scholarships include a monetary value as well as mentoring sessions to further build on students' skills and offer on-going support throughout their journey at NCC.

Click here for more information about NCC Scholarships

Sports Excellence Program

In 2021, we launched our Sports Excellence Program. We started with a Basketball Academy for our Secondary school and using our students' voices, determined that our Sports Excellence teams be called the NCC Sentinels.

We also opened up the NCC Strongroom to our senior students. This encourages strength training to complement the Sports Excellence Program.

From 2022, we have included the Volleyball Academy and NCC Fit for our Secondary students. We have extended our Sports Excellence Program to our Primary students with the introduction of the Junior Academy in the sports of Basketball and Soccer, NCC Fit and Volleyball.

Click here for more information about Sport at NCC.

Private Instrumental lessons

On-campus private tuition is available for students from Prep through to Year 12 in a variety of instruments.

Click here for more information about music at NCC

Peer Support

We run a Peer Support program across both our campuses, designed to achieve two outcomes:

  • Ensure the transition for students is smooth and positive.
  • Develop leadership skills in our students as they go from mentee to mentor.

Year 11 mentors support our Year 7 students in our 7/11 program. Students in Year 5 are buddies with Prep students, giving them connections with our newest Primary students. Our Year 4 students are buddies with the children at our ELC, giving them a smoother and more comfortable transition into our Primary School.

ELC & Primary

Co-Curricular Opportunities

NCC Early Learning2
NCC Early Learning

Early Learning Centre Opportunities

Music lessons Once per week children participate in a 45 minute music class in the Primary Music room with a music teacher.

Language lessons including participation in the Victorian Language Program Once per week the children are visited by a Language teacher for a half-day program. Previous years have included Mandarin and AUSLAN.

Buddies program Upper Primary students help build connections with the ELC children.

Aged Care/Post Office (ie Community visits) Our ELC children spend time each week visiting AdventCare where the children spend time with the residents playing games, drawing, playing puzzles and singing. Our program also includes exploring our local neighbourhood with walks to the Post Office to send letters to our pen pals at another early learning centre.

Chapel & Chaplain visits Our 4 year old Kindergarten children attend chapel with the lower Primary on a weekly basis and also take part in our Week of Worship. The Primary Chaplain also visits and leads morning worship on a regular basis.

Bush Kinder Each class spends a whole term participating in the bush kinder program both on campus and within the wider community.

Incursions and excursions throughout the year Guided by the interest and needs of our children, the ELC provides enrichment through bee, butterfly, dental and PrimSci Science incursions as well excursions to places such as Bunnings and the White Horse Community Library.

Library Children attend regular sessions in the school library to read books, explore the space and get to know the larger campus.

Primary School Opportunities

Student Representative Council (SRC) A student is chosen from each Year 3-6 class to represent their student voice. Representatives conduct team meetings in each class to gather ideas, recommendations and solutions which are then taken to the SRC meeting for further discussion.

Student Chaplains in Year 6 Spirituality is an essential part of our overall wellbeing. Opportunities in spiritual leadership are given to our Year 6 students each year. Students are invited to consider the leadership role, mentored by the School Chaplains. Student Chaplains assist in organising chapels, giving student voice to the topics covered and assisting with the audio-visual needs for programs.

Sports House Captains We believe being active is an important part of a child's development. House Captains are selected by the students each year. They assist with whole school sporting events, including organising and assisting in friendly House competitions.

School Captains To become a School Captain is an honour. Students who wish to be a captain demonstrate exemplary behaviour, confidence and leadership qualities. In the lead-up
to voting, students prepare a talk to present to the whole student body. School Captains represent the whole school at various internal and external events as well as being part of the SRC.

Specialist Sports Coaching Throughout the year, specialist coaches run skill building in sports such as gymnastics, football, soccer and swimming.

Lunchtime Clubs Available to students in Years 3-6, students can join clubs including choir, chess and gardening. These clubs change each year depending on student interests.

STRETCH This program aims to engage our highly-able Year 3-6 students to realise their intellectual and academic potential, whilst igniting their passion for learning. They are able to collaborate with like-minded students to work on real-world problems in creative ways.

NCC Primary
NCC Primary Students


Co-Curricular Options

As a smaller school we are able to adapt to the interests of our
students and therefore our enrichment opportunities may vary year to year.

See the list below of some of our Secondary opportunities:

Debating Club

Students have the opportunity to participate in the Debaters Association of Victoria’s annual interschool debating competition. In the context of this competition, students develop their public speaking abilities, research skills, and participate in respectful and formal discussions on real-world, relevant topics. Debating also helps students to be able to think quickly on their feet, to articulate their ideas, and to be thoughtful in their responses to the ideas and perspectives of others.

Entrepreneurial Opportunities

The Entrepreneurial Studies elective creates opportunities and pathways for our students with a focus on providing industry experience. Programs include the $20 Boss and Digital Boss programs to broaden students' experience in a real-world setting.

Marketing Internship

Select students take part in the NCC Marketing Internship in partnership with a Marketing and Advertising Agency. This Internship includes developing a real-life marketing campaign.

Year 9 Challenge

This program is based on Biblical values and is designed to give students the opportunity to develop skills and awareness that will give them the characteristics needed to not only survive in this world, but to make a positive contribution. Through hands-on challenges, discussions and reflections, young people begin to take the steps needed to grow into the adults of the future.

JEM - Junior Extension Math Program

Years 7 and 8 students are invited to explore maths concepts beyond the classroom curriculum and sharpen mathematical problem-solving skills. Students participate in various international maths competitions, including the Olympiad and Computational and Algorithmic Thinking competitions. JEM is run once a week during the normal maths timetable and invited students are expected to keep up with the usual classwork and homework as well as complete extra assignments.

Math Extension Opportunities

The University of Melbourne Maths program is offered to selected students in Victoria. This program runs across six weeks and topics include Number Theory, Combinatorics, Optimisation, Geometry, Topology, Data Analysis and Mathematical Biology.

7/11 Program

Our Year 11 students have the opportunity to become mentors for our Year 7 students as part of the 7/11 program. This program builds a strong sense of belonging for our Year 7 students and offers leadership training and experiences for Year 11 students.

The program includes:

Training for Year 11 students to develop communication and organisational skills to run small groups, build resilience, increase social and emotional intelligence and promote problem-solving.

Ongoing structured events in groups with student Peer Support leaders to develop a sense of belonging and positive social skills.

Year 7-12 Student Choir

Students have the opportunity to join a choir and perform at school events as well as at local churches.

Junior / Senior Praise and Worship Band

Students are given opportunities to play musical instruments and sing for weekly school chapels as well as special events. This group of students honour God through song and worship whilst developing their musical and leadership abilities.

French Poetry Competition

NCC joins other schools across the state to participate in a French poetry competition that is organised every year by the Alliance Française de Melbourne.

Top Arts VCE Exhibition

High-scoring Art students in Years 11 and 12 are encouraged to enter their artwork into the Top Arts NGV student exhibition of excellence

Images Yearbook Team

Students develop industry skills in photo editing, design, journalism, magazine production and project management while working on the annual school magazine.

Write a Book in a Day

Students form teams to take on the challenge of writing and designing an entire book in a single day. The books are then sent to children who are receiving treatment in hospitals around Australia. Funds raised through this challenge support The Kids' Cancer Project.

Science Talent Search

Students from Years 7-12 have the opportunity to participate in the annual Science Talent Search run by the Science Teachers Association of Victoria. Students are mentored once a week during Term 2 to assist them in the planning and development of their projects such as experimental investigations, science photography, game development and creating scientific inventions and models.

Science Olympiads and Big Science Competitions

Students are encouraged to sign up to these annual competitions to increase their exposure to higher-order content and analysis questions about all science disciplines. Participants receive certificates and academic feedback is provided in the Big Science Competition.

ICAS Competitions

Nunawading students are invited to sign up for the ICAS Competitions in the following disciplines: Writing, Digital Technology, English, Spelling, Mathematics and Science. Students receive certificates with academic feedback and a comparison rank with other competitors.

NCC Secondary
NCC Secondary

Secondary School Leadership Opportunities

Our intimate school environment gives our Secondary School students a greater
opportunity to build on the leadership skills they developed in our Primary School.

These opportunities include:
School Captains and Vice Captains Spiritual Captains
Sports Captains
School Representative Council (SRC) Wellbeing Intern
Chapel Leadership and Re:VIBE
Students in these roles have experiences that will help grow their confidence in leading the student body. They develop organisational, negotiating and team-building skills.

Year 10 Cambodia service trip

Nunawading Christian College partners with International Children's Care Cambodia each year. Our Year 10 students work alongside ICC volunteers to serve through art, running hygiene programs teaching English and much more.