Nunawading Christian College Primary School is based in Melbourne Victoria. Our activities are designed to provide opportunities for all students to develop intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and physically.
Values-based education from 3-year-old Kinder/Child Care to Year 12 VCE
Comprehensive and stimulating curriculum based on The Australian Curriculum in conjunction with the Victorian educational standards
Broad range of co-curricular activities including performing arts, languages, coding, music and chess
Specialists classes including LOTE (Mandarin), PE & Sport, Music, Visual & Media Arts
Supportive and caring environment including well-being and pastoral care for students and their families
Service opportunities to promote character and values
Regular excursions and incursions supporting balanced learning in the curriculum
School camps in Years 4, 5 & 6 offering a variety of character development opportunities
Competitive and affordable fees
Private College bus system servicing local suburbs
Out of School Hours Care
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) program to support values-based education
Regular opportunities for cross-campus interactions to support transitions between ELC, Primary and Secondary schools
We love learning in Prep. Our year of school adventure starts with being great friends with others, meeting God and developing a great attitude to learning.
The Prep program aims to foster a lifelong love of learning and a positive school experience. It balances academics with a strong foundation in Christian values. Teachers create a nurturing environment where students build relationships with each other, God, and their teachers. Daily prayer, singing, and Bible stories introduce students to Christianity, and special events like chapel programs and a "Week of Worship" deepen their understanding. Core values of respect, responsibility, resilience, and integrity are woven into the curriculum.
The program provides a stimulating learning environment with bright, airy classrooms and access to a garden for outdoor learning. Experienced teachers guide students in core subjects like reading, writing, and mathematics. A multi-sensory phonics program lays the groundwork for reading success, while mathematic concepts are learned through hands-on exploration and activities with manipulatives. Prep students also use the 'Little Learners Love Literacy' program. It's run in both Prep and Year 1. and is an explicit and sequential phonics program that teaches students how to read, write and spell. Technology is integrated into the curriculum with school owned iPads used strategically to enhance learning.
Year 1 and 2 at Nunawading Christian College, offer enriching and immersive hands-on learning experiences. We have a strong emphasis on year-level collaboration and a seamless integration of Biblical values across all subject areas. This ensures students have the opportunity to encounter Jesus daily.
In Year 1, our Literacy curriculum revolves around the Little Learners Love Literacy program, which strengthens foundational skills in a systematic and synthetic approach to reading, writing, and spelling.
Moving into Year 2, our focus shifts towards developing written comprehension skills. This prompts students to engage in deeper, analytical thinking and encourages them to answer complex questions using higher-order thinking skills.
In Mathematics, we use concrete materials to facilitate the learning of mathematical concepts. This is extended through the use of open-ended questions to develop a deeper understanding. Students of all academic abilities are catered for and challenged.
In Integrated Studies, we explore our world through the lenses of History, Geography, Science, Health, and Digital Technologies. These concepts are solidified through practical real-world experiences and excursions.
All this learning and activity is done with the clear understanding that we are children of God who created us to discover, inquire, and care. The values of respect, responsibility, resilience, and integrity are evident in the culture of the school.
Welcome to Our Middle Years Program: Fostering Independence and Collaboration. In Years 3 and 4, we want our students to develop a love for learning and a rich and meaningful relationship with God.
As students enter the middle years of school, they embark on a journey of increasing independence, honing their problem-solving skills, and making individual choices. Building upon the foundations established in the early years, students consolidate their knowledge while embracing new challenges and opportunities for growth.
At our school, we strike a balance between fostering independence and promoting collaboration. Through engaging activities in STEM, Maths, Encounter program, Physical Education, Art, Music and LOTE students learn to collaborate effectively and contribute towards achieving shared goals alongside their peers.
Our comprehensive Literacy program immerses students in the world of literature, where they study the lives of authors and critically analyse texts. Students also explore various types of texts including persuasive, narratives, informational texts, poetry, and procedural texts.
In our ICT curriculum, students progressively enhance their computer literacy skills, learning essential tasks such as touch typing, coding, and email etiquette. They also gain proficiency in presenting their work using platforms like Google Slides or Google Docs, preparing them for success in the digital age.
Join us in the middle years of schooling, where our primary objective is to cultivate a profound passion for learning within our students, while also nurturing a deep and meaningful connection with their spirituality and relationship with God. Through engaging curriculum, interactive activities, and opportunities for reflection, we aim to instil in them a lifelong love for learning and a strong spiritual foundation that will guide them throughout their lives.
In Years 5 and 6, we aim to nurture and develop inquisitive students who continually explore and learn about the universe our wonderful God has created.
Leadership opportunities are available to all upper primary students. These include School, Sport House, and Student Chaplaincy. The leaders participate in a variety of training events, such as Young Leaders Day to develop their leadership skills. All students partake in a Buddy program, where the Year 5 students are paired up with students from the prep class and the Year 6 students are partnered with senior citizens from the local community.
In Year 5 & 6, literacy and numeracy skills take centre stage as the primary focus, ensuring students build essential foundations for academic achievement and future growth. Our English curriculum includes novel studies and Literature Circles to engage students in an immersive literary experience. Additionally, our writing program seamlessly connects with our Integrated Studies units via a variety of evidence-based programs. Mathematics is streamed in the upper primary levels to allow us to support and extend the students. We incorporate geography, history, and science through Integrated Studies, which approaches learning through a holistic view, while additionally fostering habits of mind, a growth mindset, and higher-order thinking skills. The students enjoy participating in our STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) programs; designing and building solutions to real-world problems.
The STRETCH program focuses on enhancing the cognitive skills and knowledge of high-ability students. STRETCH classes run once a week for an hour, allowing the students to explore advanced concepts and collaborate with their peers. Students are eligible based on their standardised testing results.
In senior primary, all students are provided with a school-owned Chromebook to help extend their learning across all areas, while reinforcing the use of Digital Technologies. Students are taught how to use Google Workspace, along with other sites and tools, to enhance their learning and collaboration skills.
Upper primary students have the opportunity to go on camps.
Year 5 students enjoy a camp at Forest Edge, undertaking team-building activities and other challenges outside their comfort zones. These include hut building, riding the flying fox, archery and the low ropes course.
To help consolidate their understanding of the Australian government and parliamentary system, Year 6 students make the journey to the nation’s capital, Canberra, for a week to visit a range of integral places as part of the political and legal system. These include Parliament House, Australian Institute of Sport, Government House, War Memorial, Questacon and many more
NCC offers before and after hours care for those parents who need more flexible hours picking up or dropping off children. The school also provides care and activities for children throughout school holidays.
Our campus facilities include modern classrooms, an assembly hall, a library and resource centre, media and music rooms, playing fields, tennis and basketball courts and a design and tech lab.
Nunawading Christian College is committed to offering a broad and balanced education. Much of this learning occurs through opportunities outside of the classroom. Throughout each school year, NCC students have many opportunities to thrive both in and outside the classroom.
Nunawading Christian College operates additional services to provide for needs beyond the education of our students and to ensure our College is accessible to all families.
Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026