Our School at Work tours provide an opportunity for you to see our classes in action and develop a feel for what our school is like. The tours are run on select mornings, with families arriving from 9.10 for a 9.30 start. We aim to be finished before 11. Join us and take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions of our staff and absorb the atmosphere of the school, both in the classroom and outside.
Learning for Living, Character for Life
You can choose from our Secondary Campus Tour, our Primary Campus Tour or our ELC tour (which also looks at the lower Primary).
For your convenience, here are the dates of our tours and when the bookings will open:
April 23 and April 30 (open for bookings - scroll further to reserve your place)
August 27 and August 28 (opening for bookings beginning July)
October 29 and October 30 to be confirmed
We are currently accepting applications for ELC 2026 and Prep 2026 and for Year 7 2027. Enrolment for Year 7 2026 is now closed.
For other Year levels, please reach out to the enrolment office for availability. Feel free to call (03 9877 3555 extension 1) or email (enrolments@nunawading.vic.edu.au) if you have any questions.
My family have been attending Nunawading Christian College from Prep and we are now over 1/2 way through our secondary years. Our experience every year is always very positive, but the side of the school that we are the most grateful for, is the teachers. The teachers go above and beyond in supporting us as a family and our journey through what is needed for our children to success and achieve their goals. Thank you.
I attended NCC from Prep to Year 12. I owe a lot of my education to the teachers and community there who have helped develop me as a better person. The school offers great support in all areas, stretching beyond education and into faith and personal development too. I made some lifelong friends and I still enjoy going back to the school even after I’ve graduated.
Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026