Published on Tuesday 13 June, 2023
Here comes the rain… and it’s typically right at pick-up time!
The H&S committee has it covered with our stylish new UMBRELLAS
Order forms are now officially open to get your family under an NCC umbrella.
Chose between two types:
MINI Navy with NCC Logo - lightweight and compact ONLY $38
GOLF Navy with NCC Logo - perfect for the car, as a gift etc...ONLY $48
All umbrellas are UV protectant so can also be used in summer for shade as well as all seasons for rain.
Keep a look out for paper order forms in school bags over the next few days or order directly online please follow this link
Orders close Friday 23rd June
The Home & School Committee is always open for new members. It's a rewarding way to contribute a little bit of your time and/or ideas to help improve the school’s facilities and also continues to grow NCC’s wonderful community & profile to ultimately benefit our kids and future generations of NCC students. These projects and events will be raising money towards a new primary playground and upgrading the high school girls' bathroom. If at any time you are interested in joining in please don’t hesitate to join the next meeting, or contact the school to find out more, you’ll be most welcome.
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Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026