



A message from our Centre Manager

A message from

Sonia Brown

Welcome to Nunawading Christian College's Early Learning Centre.

We know that this is one of the first steps your child will take in a life-long journey of learning. The skills your child will learn at the Nunawading Christian College Early Learning Centre will be the basis with which they will form relationships for life. We focus on the development of the whole child through physical, social, emotional, cognitive and spiritual learning.

Nunawading Christian College’s Early Learning Centre provides a combination of Long Day Care and Kindergarten through our daily Integrated Kindergarten program. It also provides Out of School Hours Care. Our centre is owned and operated by the Seventh-Day Adventist Schools (Victoria) Ltd and works with Nunawading Christian College Primary and Secondary. This ensures your child’s spiritual and educational needs are met from now until they complete VCE, on one convenient site and with a Christian perspective!

Our centre is nestled amid Nunawading Christian College, providing tranquillity and security away from the bustle of Springvale Road. Our ELC rooms are adjacent to the lower primary classrooms allowing for great transition to school programs.

At Nunawading Christian College’s Early Learning Centre, your child comes first. Our highly trained staff are experienced in early childhood and kindergarten education, ensuring the provision of a high-quality early childhood program for your child.

We welcome you to make an appointment to visit our centre or join one of our NCC School at Work Tours, held monthly throughout the school term. Register here.

Many Blessings,

Sonia Brown

Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026