At NCC we work together to ensure students are happy and secure in all aspects of school life.
Teaching and non-teaching staff are all part of the Pastoral Care Team. Pastoral Care is supported by, but not the sole responsibility of the Chaplains and Student Wellbeing Officers. This team wants to ensure students are happy and secure in whatever activity they are taking part in, whether social, spiritual, mental, emotional or physical. We have a caring commitment to guide and advise our pupils, equipping them with the skills needed to face the outside world.
The Christian principle of value of the individual is foundational to pastoral care for students. Both teachers and non-teaching staff are encouraged to approach the care of our students in a positive way to nurture good relationships between our community and the surrounding community. Parents are always welcome and are encouraged to contact their child’s homeroom teacher, Year Level Coordinator, Student Wellbeing Officer, Chaplain or the Principal if they have any concerns or worries.
Our staff meet regularly to discuss and review Pastoral Care practices. Parents' and students' opinions are always valued to ensure procedures and practices are relevant. For more information about Pastoral Care at NCC, please read our publications and policies.
Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026