Participation and belonging are encouraged among all students and families, as we seek to know, live like and share Jesus Christ.
The Chaplaincy program provides practical and emotional support for families in need, making referrals to other organisations and professional bodies where further support is required. Chaplains provide a first point of call for students, as well as an area of safety within the school where trauma can be dealt with in a confidential, nurturing environment.
Staff and volunteers within the school community are also supported and encouraged by the Chaplaincy team.
Members of the Chaplaincy team are engaged in the spiritual life and the growth of the school community.
Examples of this are found in weekly worship experiences like chapel and staff worships. Annual Festival of Faith in Primary, and Week of Worship in secondary create week long high points celebrating student involvement and leadership. Individual and small group bible studies operate across the campus, encouraging students in their spiritual journey. Students are enabled to lead out in various church services across the wider community and the Combined Schools Day of Worship event – which draws together students from five sister schools in the Victorian Adventist School system.
On campus, Chaplains convene and lead parent prayer and Bible study groups on a regular basis.
Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026