Published on Monday 27 February, 2023
Let's talk about our teachers. Two of our Science teachers did a marvellous job last week presenting at Swinburne University. Here is a little more detail on the occasion thanks to Mr Maslin.
Where did you go?
Swinburne University Hawthorn Campus (particularly in the STEM area)
Who did you see?
There were around 200 attendees and exhibitors at the VicPhysics Conference (PhysCon23). There were two keynotes, one by Prof Alan Duffy on Exoplanets and another by Dr Suzie Sheehy on Physics experiments that changed the world. Both keynotes were very informative and eye-opening to real-world physics and the experiments that have happened in the past and what are happening today.At our session, there were 8 of us in the room, so a small group to interact with which was nice and then it was recorded so the other attendees could watch it at a later stage if they want to.
What did you talk about?
Using technology in the Classroom - looking at simulations to help understand theory and explanations, gamification to help with revision (why just do a worksheet when you could do an escape room or Kahoot instead?) and lastly group work tools like jam boards and padlets to help with questioning and consolidating of material.
Favourite thing about the experience?
It was great to be there with someone else from our school and share the experience with them. It made presenting easier as you were with someone you know and can rely on. The keynotes were great and probably the other one for me was the discussion about assessments and getting ideas from a range of people (presenters in workshops and from other teachers at our round table discussion) which will help with planning for the new Study Design implementation.
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