



New Years 3-6 Learning Centre

New Primary Building

Published on Wednesday 07 June, 2023

A letter from our Principal, Mrs Meggan James.

I would like to share some exciting news. You may have noticed that there is a huge construction site on the primary campus where our brand new Years 3-6 Learning Centre will be built. Our property manager, David has worked very hard to get the site all ready for our builders to start work on this new development.

This week, the works have begun! Our builders, Lorden Vella are on site digging, excavating and starting to build the foundations.

It is an exciting time and we are incredibly grateful for the $2 million grant from the Victorian School Building Authority. This building will include eight classrooms, an art studio and a dedicated outdoor learning space.

Earlier this month we had the official sod turning event, and together with the Member for Ringwood, Will Fowles, we declared the project started. Our student leaders took part in the ceremony and it was great to meet all the parties involved in bringing this project to life.

The project is forecasted to be completed by mid-next year. To see the 3D renders of the building, click on the gallery below and follow us on social media so that you can stay updated with the building’s progress.

We look forward to having a beautiful modern building to facilitate the increased demand for enrolments at NCC.

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