



NCC Fit Junior Academy

NCC Fit - Junior Academy Registrations now OPEN

Published on Monday 05 February, 2024

We are thrilled to open registrations for our Junior NCC Fit Academy is focused on building fitness and developing skills for running and is open to students in Years 3-6 and runs for six weeks.

As with our other Junior Academy programs, the NCC Fit program is focused on skill building, so there will be no tryouts but rather a first-in, first-served scenario for registrations. You will have to fill in the registration form HERE and pay the $60 fee (or $45 if your child already has the Sentinels training shirt) to secure a place in the NCC Fit Academy. Please note: fees must be paid to secure your child’s place; those to pay first will get the places offered.

More detailed information on the program and session plans can be found HERE.

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