Published on Tuesday 16 April, 2024
Dear Primary Parents,
Welcome to Term 2! Our Junior Academy program for this term is SOCCER! The first session starts on Tuesday, 30th April.
Registration for our Junior Soccer Academy is now open. As with all our Junior Academy programs, the Soccer program is focused on skill building and so there will be no tryouts but rather a first-in, first-served scenario for registrations.
You will have to fill in the registration form HERE and pay the $60 fee (or $45 if your child already has the Sentinels training shirt) in order to secure a place in the Soccer Academy. Please note: fees must be paid to secure your child’s place in the Junior Soccer Academy; those to pay first will get the places offered.
All payments must be made by the end of school Friday, 26th April.
We have Mrs Priscilla de Schwartz (Primary Head of Sport) as the Head of the Junior Academy, together with Jonah Bailey as the Assistant Coach.
The Junior Soccer Academy will run as follows:
Sessions: 1:00-1:30 pm
Tuesdays for 6 weeks in Term 2, starting week 3 on Tuesday, 30th April.
Location: Sports Oval or NCC Multipurpose Centre (Gym) if weather is bad
Fees: $60 which will include the cost of the Sentinels Uniform (training shirt) or
Fees: $45 (if your child already owns a Sentinels training shirt)
Capacity of students involved: 25
Year levels: 3-6
Coaching staff:
If you are interested in enrolling your child in the Junior Soccer Academy, please complete the registration form HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Priscilla de Schwartz via email at .
School at Work tours open for bookings --- Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026