Published on Friday 24 January, 2025
Dear Primary Parents,
For term 1, we are thrilled to open our Junior NCC Fit Academy registrations. This program is focused on building fitness and developing skills for running and is open to students in Years 3-6 for six weeks, starting week 2, Tuesday 4th of February.
Session Information - 6 Week Program
Session times: Students will eat lunch first at 12.40pm, once the lunch bell goes at 12.50pm, students can start to make their way to the oval for a 12.55pm start, the sessions will end at 1.25pm to allow students to have a drink and go to the bathroom before the lunch bell goes.
Session 1: Week 2: Tuesday 4th of February 2, 2025
Session 2: Week 3: Tuesday 11th of February, 2025
Session 3: Week 4: Tuesday 18th of February, 2025
Session 4: Week 5: Monday 24th of February - Due to half day Tuesday parent-teacher interviews
Session 5: Week 6: Tuesday 4th of March, 2025
Session 6: Week 7: Tuesday 11th of March, 2025
As with our other Junior Academy programs, the NCC Fit program focuses on skill building, so there will be no tryouts but rather a first-in, first-served scenario for registrations. You will have to fill in the registration form HERE and pay the $45 fee in order to secure a place in the NCC Fit Academy. Please note: fees must be paid to secure your child’s place; those to pay first will get the places offered.
Uniform Information
It is expected that all students come to sessions wearing their Sentinels training shirts. If your child needs to purchase one, you can do this directly through our supplier HERE.
For the first few weeks of the program if your child does not have a Sentinels training shirt they can wear their NCC PE shirt.
More detailed information on the program and session plans can be found HERE.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Priscilla de Schwartz via email at
We can’t wait for the start of our next Junior Academy program!
School at Work tours open for bookings --- Now accepting applications for Year 7 2027 --- Now interviewing for Prep 2026