



Tennis Lessons Open Now

Tennis Lessons Open Now

Published on Monday 10 February, 2025

Dear Parents,

For Term 1, we are thrilled to announce that Zenith Tennis Academy will provide after-school tennis lessons for interested students on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

The tennis program follows the basic Tennis Australia Hot Shots pathway: Red Ball (ages 5-7), Orange Ball (ages 7-9), Green Ball (ages 8-10), and then Yellow Ball.

Details about the program:

Who: Run by Zenith Tennis Academy but at NCC

Days: Wednesday or Thursday

Beginning: Term 1, Week 4 on Wednesday, 19th February - 7-week program

Time: 3.30 - 4.15pm (Primary - Years 1-6), 4.15 - 5pm (Secondary - Years 7-12)

Primary students will wait at the tennis courts till their tennis lessons begin. There will be a teacher on duty on the tennis court who will supervise students until lessons begin.

Secondary students can wait in the library until their tennis lesson begins. Students must be picked up on time as the library closes at 5pm and there is no staff supervision past this time.

Where: Secondary tennis courts (next to Central Road pick-up zone)

Groups: Students will be split into abilities. There will be two coaches one on each court running lessons catered towards ability. Groups are capt at 6 students per court, total 12 students per session.

Cost: $21.75/session, invoiced per term.


Please follow this link to register:

When filling out the registration details under Additional Information please provide any medical details of your child including if they have a medical bag and your child’s experience - beginner, intermediate or advanced.

Cancellation of lessons:

If the weather is poor and lessons cannot run, Zenith coaches will contact parents/ caregivers by lunchtime. Students will need to be picked up at the regular school time.

Extra information

If your child misses a lesson due to weather or illness, Zenith will attempt to organise a makeup session throughout the term or during the school holidays.


Primary students with medical bags will be required to take their medical bag with them from their classroom for the duration of the lesson. Once the lesson is finished please ensure your child's medical bag is taken back to the front office.

If you are interested in registering your child please fill in this form below so that we have a record of the amount of students who are interested in attending tennis lessons.

Primary HERE

Secondary HERE

Please note that this is an external company running this program and not NCC.

If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Priscilla de Schwartz via email at

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